Tooth extraction involves completely removing a tooth from the mouth. People may require tooth extraction for many reasons, ranging from tooth decay to crowded teeth.
Gum disease is common and unpleasant, but, according to a growing body of evidence, it could also play a role in a surprising range of seemingly unrelated health problems.
Dentists and oral surgeons perform tooth extractions for many reasons. The issue may be a painful wisdom tooth or a tooth that has been badly damaged by decay. In some cases, a dentist will remove a tooth to make space for dental prosthetics or braces.
Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, but, until now, no one knew how it managed to last a lifetime. The authors of a recent study conclude that enamel's secret lies in the imperfect alignment of crystals.
Dragi prieteni, echipa MELADENT vă mulțumește că ne-ați fost alături în acest an! ‼️ Vă anunțăm, de asemenea, că în următoarele zile NU VOM ACTIVĂ:31 decembrie 2024 1 ianuarie 2025 7 ianuarie 2025 8 ianuarie 2025 Vă mulțumim pentru încrederea acordată și vă așteptăm cu drag în noul an pentru a crea împreună zâmbete sănătoase, frumoase și pline de încredere! 🦷✨ ... See MoreSee Less