Step 1
Appointments are made by phone or by leaving a message Monday-Friday between 8:00-18:00, Saturday 9:00 13:00 (Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram, SMS) Adults 061006090 / Children 078006090
You can also contact us on facebook (Doctorul Meladent sau Zâna Măseluță) , instagram
(doctorul_meladent, zana.masaluta), tiktok (@meladent_md), google (MelaDent), mail
Step 2
On the agreed day and time, we will provide a consultation free of charge. If necessary, X-rays, allergy tests or other investigations will be carried out to better identify the need for further treatment. Patients staying abroad can send us orthopantomograms (panoramic X-rays) or photos of their teeth in order to understand the dental workload in advance.
Step 3
Together with the team of specialists (dental therapist, pedodontist, surgeon, implantologist, orthodontist, aesthetician, hygienist) we will set an individual treatment plan, determine the number of visits (approximately), the costs and will come up with the necessary recommendations and advice to achieve the desired result and smile.
Step 4
The course of treatment requires attention, commitment, goodwill, patience and teamwork on the part of both MelaDent specialists and the patient.
Step 5
We evaluate and enjoy the final result. We would greatly appreciate your reviews on any of the platforms listed above in Step 1.
2 months ago
5 months ago